
Remora is the world’s only mobile carbon capture company, seeking to reduce semi-truck emissions by filtering and storing CO2 so that it can be permanently sequestered or used to make end-products.

I joined the team when we first started producing prototypes in a small garage. I worked through out my internship in measuring and recording sensor data that we used to determine the success of the device and to plan for future iterations.

I was offered a full-time position as a Controls Engineer, such that I could continue to develop our telemetry systems and program a variety of controllers. I also learned a lot about designing and implementing low and mid voltage systems on vehicles. Many of the harnesses on the prototypes are of my design and I worked with external firms to manufacture these components. I also designed electronic component layouts for these harnesses. I also work extensively in vetting and selecting sensors and actuators for testing and on the device; working with other team members, we are able to incorporate these components is ways that are repeatable and get the most out of their specific utility. I also assist with testing the systems I design, from bench-top experiments to on-road testing.